#7: SS Trump
Toles, Tom. "Rub a dub dub, Republicans in a sinking tub." The Washington Post, 9 December 2018, www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2018/12/09/rub-dub-dub-republicans-sinking-tub/ . When seeking a political cartoon to analyze today, I turned to Tom Toles, a Washington Post cartoonist whose style I particularly enjoy. Toles, being a cartoonist, draws in a cartoonish manner. His landscapes are often abstract, as we see above; his characters are simple; their features are exaggerated. I've long enjoyed Toles' drawing style—particularly the way in which he depicts President Trump, which I find hilarious. Toles depicts him as a short, perpetually angry man, with beady eyes and bushy, angled eyebrows. The mouth, which resembles a donut, is my favorite part; it finishes off the caricature. The President is one of Toles' most common characters, alongside such personified ideas as the GOP elephant, who appears as a stylized, humanoid elephant in a suit. Here we see the...